Monday, December 30, 2019

I Can't Let You In, It Takes Too Much To Get Out. Adgy Mix #41

No posts for a year and a half and now you get 2 on the same day. And this one's a big one.

This is my 2019 mix. Individual tracks from some of my favorite releases. And rather than whittle it down to a dozen so it would be the normal mix size, I said fuck it and let it ride. This is a little over 2 hours of music because why not? I did cut out some of the tracks by artists I figure everyone already has an opinion on (Tool, Thom Yorke), but left in a couple of those because I couldn't imagine a 2019 mix without them (Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross).

And, yeah, there are 2 Lingua Ignota tracks on here, I know. It was very nearly 4. Not only is it album of the year, but probably of the decade, so... listen to it.

Let's get to it.

Adgy Mix #41

Tracklisting (in no particular order):
Orphx & JK Flesh - "Demagogue", from the album Light Bringer
Lingua Ignota - "Faithful Servant Friend Of Christ", from the album Caligula
Lingua Ignota - "Do You Doubt Me Traitor", from the album Caligula
JH1.FS3 - "Far From Spring", from the album Trials & Tribulations
Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross - "How The West Was Really Won" from the soundtrack Watchmen, Vol. 1
JK Flesh - "In Your Pit", from the EP In Your Pit
PJ Harvey - "Red Right Hand" from the soundtrack for Peaky Blinders
Orphan Ann - "Vi Är Överallt", from the album The Practice Of Surrender
Moor Mother - "After Images", from the album Analog Fluids Of Sonic Black Holes
Amyl And The Sniffers - "Cup Of Destiny", from the album Amyl And The Sniffers
Elvin Brandhi - "I Said If", from the album Shelf Life
Pharmakon - "Self-Regulating System", from the album Devour
Hiro Kone - "Akoluthic Phase", from the album A Fossil Begins To Bray
Goth-Trad - "Sword Dance", from the split with JK Flesh, Knights Of The Black Table
Have A Nice Life - "Trespassers W", from the album Sea Of Worry
Download - "Dugaduga", from the album Unknown Room
Yerusalem - "Joyless", from the album The Sublime
E-Saggila - "My World My Way", from the album My World My Way
Pelican - "Nighttime Stories", from the album Nighttime Stories
Russian Circles - "Quartered", from the album Blood Year
Ludovico Einaudi - "A Sense Of Symmetry", from the album Seven Days Of Walking, Day One
Maja S.K. Ratkje - "Jeg Fornemmer Mine Sko Som En Sagte Susende Tone Imot Meg", from the album Sult
Jambinai  - "Onda", from the album Onda
Black To Comm - "The Courtesan Jigokudayu Sees Herself As A Skeleton In The Mirror Of Hell", from the album Seven Horses For Seven Kings

That's all of it.

Again, if you decide to check this out, I hope you find something new to like!

Happy 2020!


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